12 June 2013

Building Cloud's Buster Sword

Ever seen MAN AT ARMS? No? He is the man that will make all your sword dreams come true :D

He's made Sora's Keyblade (and sharp at that!), Finns golden sword and lodes more.

Building Cloud's Buster Sword (Final Fantasy VII) - MAN AT ARMS

11 June 2013

E3 Game Trailers

This years E3 has started and what a start it is for J-RPG fans!

SQEX announces Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy XV (previously called versus XIII) for the PS4.

I don't think I've ever seen a new console with such a strong line up. They are both highly anticipated games from major franchises. Seriously, fans have been waiting for almost 7 years for both of these games.

The graphics look incredible. We don't get a lot footage but I'm happy with just the announcement in itself.

The rumours were true. Versus XIII became XV. I think the first announcement about Versus came in 2006 and I remember a really nice trailer from 2008. It's still looking nice I must say. Personally, I'm more exited about this one than KH3.

English Trailer for Lightning Returns that will be out on February 14 in Europe.
Still not getting rid of Snow I see... But at least he doesn't look as silly now. I still would like nothing better than to throw him off a really tall cliff. It looks like this game will offer opportunities to fight him though so I'm looking forward to that. I don't really want to fight Noel though, I like him.

Along with some game play.

Also the English trailer for Tales of Xillia that will be out 9th August in Europe.
The voice actors are not terrible. OK some of them sound pretty bad but I was pleasantly surprised by the male lead. Mainly because I don't like his voice in Japanese and see the English one is a better fit. Still not FF standard but not as bad as it used to be.

Although this came out before the E3 I think it deserves to be mentioned again.
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, coming to Europe for the 3DS.

7 June 2013

Guren no Yumiya video

I really want to make one! Come on, join me!

During the Mangakai Lund barbecue next Wednesday? At NärCon? Genki? all of the above?

5 June 2013

DuckTales Remastered

DuckTales Remastered is coming to PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii U - downloadable for about $15.

This summer!
Check to source link for more info.

I never played the original but I hear it's a loved game so I'm definitely going to give this a try!

Don't miss E3 Next week! I'm awaiting many goody gaming news :3

Source: capcom

4 June 2013


Kvarglömt, a set on Flickr.
Kvarglömda saker från konvent!

Maila oss (mangakailund@gmail.com) om något tillhör er och kom och hämta era saker på något av våra onsdagsmöten (kl.18-21) på Norra Fäladens fritidsgård i Lund.

OBS! Om ni inte hämtar era saker innan året är slut kommer sakerna att slängas.
Vissa saker kräver vi att ni kan beskriva för att få hämta ut dem!

Vissa bilder visar inte föremålet i sig. Där vill vi ha en beskrivning av föremålet för att veta att det verkligen tillhör dig.
Tryck på en bild för att få fram beskrivning och eventuella beskrivningskrav.

2 June 2013

Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack


Now this was unexpected news to me. Unexpected, but happy!

I guess after SQEX's running about, throwing out HD remasters of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X, Namco wanted in on the action.

They bring us Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, bundled for the PS3!
When I first started reading I thought "this is probably going to be for the wii..." (I have neither a cube nor a wii and thought that I was going to be suffed of these titles once again (I do have the ps2 version of ToS tough)).

Japan will be getting the games the 10th of October and it's headed to the US and Europe at the beginning of next year. No date set yet.

I know it's stupid to be hopeful but I really want them to include the original Japanese voice track for both games. Please, surprise us for once! A re-translation and dumping of silly censorship would be nice too but since the translation goes through the US... yeah, that's not going to happen. The incompetent thieves will forever be doomed to drink "lemonade". OK to be fair ToP was censured too when released in Europe, Arche's dream was less obvious and they made it an all-you-can-EAT instead of an all-yo-can-DRINK. So yeah, probably not getting an accurate translation no matter what country does it (they even butchered their names for no apparent reason!)... The dub was horrible too... Not even the US Tales dubs are that bad... I wish they would invest as much in voice actors for Tales as they do for FF. Sure, they're a little better than when they did ToE but that's not enough in my book. Even Yuna and Tidus' laughing scene is better than the Tales dubs. (Fine the laughing scene is horrible in Japanese too, although probably meant to be horrible and thus the English dub was spot on)
I feel like I've gotten off topic here...

Looking forward to the HD PS3 release!

There will be new outfits and probably more goodies to be announced later on :D

Thank you Baba for bringing us this happy piece of news <3

Source: abyssalchronicles